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HMS PBIS Monthly Data

Monthly Data 

PBIS is a program that focuses on acknowledging students for consistent postive behavior. We have reviewed our expected behaviors in every classroom and throughout the first weeks of school. Students that fail to follow expectations are given an ODR (Office Discipline Referral). ODRs are submitted to Administration where they talk to the student and give consequences for their behavior. All ODR forms that are submitted are also mailed/emailed home to parents.

If you have any questions, please call the HMS Office.

Data by Grade Level

March24ODRGradesFebruary ODR GradesJanuaryODRGradeDecember ODR GradeNov 23 Grade DataOctober Data

Sept-GradeAugust- Grade

Data by Behavior

March24ODRBehaviorFebruary ODR BehaviorJanuaryODRBehaviorDecember ODR BehaviorNov 23 Behavior DataOctober Behavior

Sept-BehaviorAugust- Behavior

Data by Location

March24ODRLocationFebruary ODR LocationJanuaryODRLocationDecember ODR LocationNov 23 Location DataOctober Location

Sept-LocationAugust- Location